14 - Red Star Defense | Body Armor
This week’s episode of the Tiger Bloc Podcast, we’re super excited to have on Max of Red Star Defense! For the unaware, Red Star Defense is a leftist, co-op lead, ballistic body armor manufacturing company. The mission of Max and his fellow comrades is to produce quality, life saving ballistic protective equipment at an affordable price.
Together Soju Operator, Rose, and Max discuss the science behind modern day body armor, purposeful misleading marketing by body armor companies, what goes behind the scenes in testing armor, common misconceptions, how a worker’s co-op functions, and future product line ups for the company.
Host: Soju Operator and Rose
Guest: Max
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Visit Red Star Defense’s website and purchase their body armor: https://www.redstardefense.com
Follow Red Star Defense on Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/redstardefense
Follow Red Star Defense on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RedStarDefenseIndustries
Music credit:
Distance - Contour
Listen more at https://soundcloud.com/con_tour
Purchase his tracks on the Itunes Store: https://music.apple.com/us/artist/contour/1386311708